Gansu things to do

Top 10 Best Things to Do in Gansu: Camel Riding, Circumanbulating, Drifting...

Lenn Liu
2175 Words/9 Minutes, By Lenn Liu, Updated October 16, 2024

Gansu, known as the "Heart of Western China", boasts a wealth of natural landscapes and cultural history. From the majestic Qilian Mountains to the stunning Gobi Desert, and from ancient relics to modern urban scenery, the travel experiences in Gansu are incredibly diverse and rich. Followings are the best things to do in Gansu.

Top 1: Ride a Camel in Dunhuang

Gansu's Dunhuang is a city rich in history and culture, home to UNESCO World Heritage sites like the Mogao Caves, the Jade Gate, and the Yangguan Pass, drawing countless visitors, among which, one of the most awe-inspiring aspects is the camel culture along the Silk Road. In the vast deserts, camels, known as the "ships of the desert", have thrived for thousands of years thanks to their endurance and adaptability. At Mingsha Mountain, you can ride a camel and immerse yourself in the desert's vastness and mystery.

In the expansive sands, the camel train appear like dragons weaving through the dunes, their bells echoing the sounds of the ancient Silk Road. Merchants led their caravans through all the hardships, disseminating Western culture with China and spreading Chinese culture to the world. As you ride through the desert, the dunes shift colors under the sun, while resilient desert plants thrive in this arid land, showcasing the wonders of life.

In the distance, the sound of camel bells fills the air as groups of camels carry tourists deeper into the desert. Riders experience the endlessness of the sand while admiring the breathtaking scenery along the way. The vastness of the desert, the resilience of the caravans, and the glow of the setting sun create captivating scenes that linger in memory.

Top 2: Watch the Sunset in Desert

Surrounded by the whispering sands of the desert, lies a patch of emerald green that seems to have fallen from the heavens, shaped like a crescent moon, clear as a mirror and bright as an eye, that is Crescent Spring. To find such a lush green spot in the middle of a desert is a wonder in itself, but Crescent Spring at sunset is a truly unique gift of the desert.

Walking along the log ladder up Mingsha Mountain, you can sit quietly at the peak, gazing at the picturesque Crescent Spring below, with its pavilions and towers perfectly mirrored in the water, waiting for the sun to set. Gradually, the golden rays of the setting sun bathe the desert, turning each grain of sand into sparkling "gold", transforming Mingsha Mountain into a boundless sheet of gold leaf, shinning. Overlooking the Crescent Spring at this moment, it is like a drop of nectar from the remoted heaven.

The last rays of the setting sun lose the brilliance of noon, their softened glow allowing you to gaze directly at the crimson orb as its diffused light writing its last tenacious. As the sun disappears, the sands darken beneath your feet. Only a few streaks of color remain in the western sky. The calm waters of Crescent Spring reflect the night sky, while the silhouette of the pavilion is gently illuminated by a few soft lights, finally embellishing this quiet picture.

Top 3: Climb the Cantilever Great Wall

The Cantilever Great Wall, located in Jiayuguan City, is just 8 kilometers from the Jiayu Pass City. It serves as the northern extension of Jiayu Pass and was a critical component of the ancient military defense system.

From a distance, Cantilever Great Wall looks like a mighty yellow dragon crawling up the ridge, standing proudly on steep cliffs. Amid the vast Gobi Desert and the distant Heishan Mountains, the Great Wall clings precariously to the peaks. Many sections of the wall hang from the cliffs, making the climb a demanding physical challenge. As the steep stone steps stretch out before you, the temptation to retreat grows stronger with every step.

Upon reaching the top, standing atop the wall, you are greeted with a spectacular view beyond the pass. The endless sands, the desolate wilderness, and the sparse patches of greenery in the Gobi stretch out as if the scenes of warfare centuries ago unfold before your eyes. At this moment, you can feel the unyielding spirit of the Cantilever Great Wall, that though time has worn away its flesh, the bones of this ancient structure still standing guard over the Central Plains. Even in this era of peace, the Great Wall continues to recount the grandeur and struggles of days long past through its towering presence.

Top 4: View Colorful Danxia on a Helicopter

At the northern foothills of the Qilian Mountains lies the breathtaking Zhangye Danxia, often described as "as red as cinnabar and as bright as rosy clouds". While the vivid landscape of the multicolored Zhangye Danxia is already captivating when viewed from the ground, experiencing it from the air adds an entirely new dimension. The Zhangye Danxia Scenic Area has leveraged its unique ecological resources to offer an exciting "low-altitude tourism" experience, allowing visitors to marvel at its beauty through helicopter tours.

Flying in a helicopter to get up close to the colorful Danxia, while also feeling the rush of the open air. From above, the grandeur of the Danxia unfolds before your eyes. As sunlight illuminates the formations, the colors shimmer and glow that stretch across the undulating mountains like a colorful ocean. Blue skies, white clouds, towering peaks, and the colorful Danxia terrain form an unforgettable spectacle that captures the attention of every viewer.

In addition to helicopter tours, the scenic area offers other low-altitude activities such as hot air balloon rides and powered paragliding, ensuring that everyone can fully appreciate the mesmerizing landscape of the Zhangye Danxia from the sky.

Top 5: Overview the Yellow River by Cableway

The Lanzhou Yellow River Cableway, operational since 1994, spans 1,041 meters with a height difference of 157 meters between its start and end points. Known as the "City of the Yellow River", Lanzhou is the only city in China traversed by the Yellow River. Riding the cableway provides a completely different perspective—soaring above the river reveals a unique view of its rushing waters.

Gliding over the rushing waters of the Yellow River, you ascend above the layered peaks and pavilions of Pagoda Mountain, with lush trees, the sounds of birds, and fragrant flowers. The famous ancient structures like the White Pagoda Temple, blendins natural landscapes with cultural heritage, earning it the nickname "The Painted Screen of River North Style in Lanzhou". Taking the cableway not only allows you to explore White Pagoda Mountain Park and the Lanzhou Stele Forest without the fatigue of hiking but also provides the endless enjoyment of crossing the Yellow River.

Top 6: Drift on Yellow River by a Sheepskin Raft

Lanzhou's sheepskin raft is an ancient ferry tool that has been preserved by the people along the Yellow River, crafted from several inflated sheepskins tied together. It is an important part of Yellow River culture and stands as a testament to the ingenuity of ancient Han Chinese laborers. With over 300 years of history, it has now become a lightspot to explore the Yellow River.

As the sheepskin raft gently floats down the river, it resembles a tiny boat from a distance, seamlessly blending with its surroundings as it drifts with the current. Up close, you'll see five or six passengers on a raft, low to the water, bobs and weaves with the waves, thrilling yet unhurt, extremely with excitement.

The drifting journey typically starts at Lanzhou's Waterwheel Park and flows downstream, with journey lasting from 30 minutes to two hours. Along the way, tourists pass notable landmarks such as the Yellow River Iron Bridge and the Yellow River Mother Statue, while experiencing the wisdom and bravery of those who used these rafts to navigate the mighty Yellow River.

Top 7: Enjoy the Night on Lanshan Mountain

If visiting Lanzhou during the day, one must not miss the Yellow River; however, to appreciate the beauty of Lanzhou at night, a trip to the Santai Pavilion on Lanshan Mountain is essential. Standing atop the pavilion, you can take in the entire city of Lanzhou, a breathtaking sight.

In the evening, with the remnants of sunset, the city is just nestled among mountains, filled with densely packed high-rises. The distant mountains, layered and majestic, add an ink-like charm to the city. When night falls and you gaze down from the Santai Pavilion, you're greeted by a narrow, dazzling sea of lights that seems to reflect an inverted Milky Way. The lights sparkle with a lively energy, pulsing like a living tide. Below, the bustling city glows with countless lights, while the mountaintop shines with starlight. The middle section of the mountain merges into the silent night, and at the summit, you feel as if you're floating in a celestial palace.

Top 8: Circumanbulate at Labrang Monastery

In Xiahe County of Gannan Prefecture, stands the historic and grand Labrang Monastery, renowned as a "world center for Tibetan studies", which attracts countless visitors and devotees for tours and pilgrimages.

Outside the monastery lies the world's longest prayer wheel circumanbulation, with a circumference of 3 kilometers and consisting of more than 2,000 prayer wheels of various sizes. Each wheel is inscribed with scriptures and images of Buddha, and devotees turn them to pray for blessings and accumulate merit. Every morning and evening, countless believers come here, beads in hand, chanting prayers while continuously spinning the wheels along the circumanbulation in a clockwise direction. The stone path beneath the corridor bears deep imprints of faithful footsteps over the years.

For those eager to delve into Tibetan culture and religion, the prayer wheel circumanbulation at Labrang Monastery is undoubtedly an exceptional experience. Strolling through this corridor, quietly reciting the six-syllable mantra while spinning the wheels, praying prayerfully in awe, you will feel the washing of the heart.

Top 9: Admire the Sunrise at Zhagana

Zhagana is a mysterious place praised as the "birthplace of Adam and Eve". Just 5 kilometers away lies the Dari Scenic Platform, the closest viewpoint and an ideal spot for sunrise watching.

As the morning unfolds, wisps of smoke rise gently from the village, with the sun peeking over the stone peaks, casting a soft glow. The smoke drifts lazily above the village, shrouded in ethereal and dreamlike light.

Gradually, the sun breaks free from the clouds, accompanied by the sounds of pastoral songs, rising above the horizon. Rays of golden light pierce through the mist, illuminating the grasslands and fields. The swirling clouds and fog merge, blurring the lines of reality. Moments later, the sun fully emerges from the mountains, causing the smoke from the village to billow upwards in vibrant swirls. The rolling fog brightens the sky, establishing a clear boundary between heaven and earth. However, within a short while, the smoke dissipates, and fairyland disappears, back into a simple village once more.

Top 10: Ride a Horse on Sangke Grassland

In Gansu, the vast expanse of yellow earth always evokes endless imagination. The unique karst landscape and the roaring waters of the Yellow River seem to tell the tales of this land's ancient history and hardships. Yet, hidden within this seemingly desolate land is a pastoral miracle—the Sangke Grassland.

When you arrive at Sangke Grassland, you can't miss the joy of horseback riding. Here, you can rent horses provided by locals and gallop freely across the grasslands, experiencing the spirit of the nomadic people. If you don't know how to ride or are afraid to do so, that's okay—each horse comes with a riding instructor who will lead the horse in front of you, and all you need to do is hold onto the saddle horn. As you ride, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, such as fields of rapeseed flowers, Tibetan villages, and carved stones.

Lenn Liu

Hi, I’m Lenn Liu, if you like my article, please share it with your friends. Any sugguestions on this article, please contact me. Thanks!

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