Best time to visit Lhasa

Lhasa Weather: the Best Time & Seasons to Visit & Travel

Grace Wang
3042 Words/13 Minutes, By Grace Wang, Updated August 02, 2024


Lhasa City, located in the temperate semi-arid monsoon climate zone of the Tibetan Plateau, is often referred to as the "City of Sunshine" due to its annual sunshine duration of 3,000 hours, ranking among the highest in Chinese cities. Situated on the northern side of the Himalayas, Lhasa experiences predominantly clear weather throughout the year, influenced by subsiding air currents, with little rainfall.

The city has no extreme cold in winter or intense heat in summer, with historical maximum and minimum temperatures of 29.6°C and -16.5°C, respectively. The annual average temperature is 7.4°C. Rainfall is concentrated in June to September, with an annual precipitation of 200-510 mm, mostly occurring at night. The region experiences strong solar radiation, thin air, relatively low temperatures, significant temperature differences between day and night, and cold, dry, and windy conditions in winter and spring. The frost-free period lasts 100 to 120 days a year.

The Best Time and Seasons to Visit Lhasa

The best time to travel to Tibet is from May to October, with June to September being the best month.

In terms of natural conditions, summer is the most suitable season for tourism in Lhasa. The city becomes lush and green, with a significantly higher oxygen content in the air compared to winter, reducing the likelihood of altitude stress. Additionally, the summer temperatures in Lhasa range from 8°C to 25°C, providing a comfortable and pleasant climate. For visitors from other parts of China, Lhasa in the summer serves as an ideal destination for escaping the heat.

Lhasa Weather in Four Seasons & What to Wear and Bring

Spring (March to May)

In spring, the temperatures in Lhasa gradually rise, bringing a sense of renewal and vitality to the region. This season offers fresh air and abundant sunshine, making it an excellent time to appreciate the natural scenery and experience the rich highland culture. During this period, the city's parks and the areas surrounding its temples are adorned with blooming peach, apricot, and pear blossoms, creating a stunning sea of flowers.

What to Wear/Bring in Spring

Given the significant temperature differences between day and night in spring, it is recommended to wear a warm jacket or cotton coat in the early morning and at night, and to remove these layers at midday when it is warmer, with breathable single layers suitable for enjoying the sunshine. Due to the high average altitude, it is essential to carry medication for altitude sickness and sun protection products to mitigate the effects of high-altitude conditions and UV radiation. In addition, Lhasa is relatively dry in the spring so it is possibly necessary to bring skin cream.

Summer (June to August)

Summer is the peak tourist season in Lhasa, with the most pleasant weather conditions. The oxygen levels are relatively higher during this time, making it easier for visitors to acclimate to the high altitude. Under the blue skies and white clouds, Lhasa is lush with green trees and vibrant flowers, offering an ideal escape from the summer heat. Additionally, summer is a great time to participate in Tibetan Buddhist festivals, providing an opportunity for tourists to delve deeper into Tibetan culture.

What to Wear/Bring in Summer

Since this period is the rainy season, it's advisable to bring rain gear, waterproof and non-slip shoes, when traveling in Lhasa, and a few warm jackets for nighttime use. Besides medication for altitude sickness, given the strong sunlight in Lhasa, it's essential to carry a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and other sun protection items. Additionally, summer is the most beautiful time of Lhasa grassland scenery, so it is recommended to bring a camera to record the beauty of Lhasa.

Autumn (September to November)

In autumn, Lhasa's scenery becomes even more enchanting. The sky is clear and blue, the sun shines brightly, and the temperatures are moderate, making the air feel exceptionally fresh. This season is a paradise for photography enthusiasts. The rich colors and vibrant foliage create a stunning backdrop, whether capturing natural landscapes or cultural sites, providing ample opportunities for taking breathtaking photos.

What to Wear/Bring in Autumn

As temperatures drop in autumn, visitors should pay close attention to staying warm by bringing sweaters, down jackets, and other warm clothing. The temperature difference between day and night can be significant, and the weather is often unstable, so monitoring weather changes and dressing appropriately is necessary. The dry and variable weather can also cause colds or other symptoms, so bringing cold medicine, antibiotics, and vitamins is advisable. Additionally, to combat the dry climate, it is recommended to carry moisturizing products such as skin cream and lip balm.

Winter (December to February)

In winter, although Lhasa is cold, it still enjoys abundant sunshine and stunning scenery. The snow-capped mountains and glaciers look particularly beautiful under the bright sunlight. Additionally, winter is a traditional pilgrimage season in Tibet, providing a unique opportunity to witness the devout pilgrimage scenes as worshippers from all over the country come to pay their respects.

What to Wear/Bring in Winter

The temperatures in Lhasa during winter are typically very low. Days are short, nights are long, and strong winds are common, so warm and windproof clothing is essential. However, Lhasa can reach around 10℃ during sunny days, making daytime outings more comfortable. Due to the intense winter sun in Lhasa, necessitating protection against UV rays with sunglasses and sunscreen, as well as adequate hydration and moisturization. It's also crucial to bring oxygen supplies or medication to cope with the lower oxygen levels.

Lhasa Weather by Month/Year Round

If you can freely choose when to travel to Lhasa, it is recommended to select the most suitable month based on your interests and preferences. If you don't have the flexibility to choose, it is advisable to understand the advantages and disadvantages of traveling to Lhasa in each month. According to them, you can be better prepared in advance.

View your month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

January: is January a Good Time to Visit?

In January, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from -10°C to 7°C, with a monthly average precipitation of 4.87mm, mostly sunny or partly cloudy with occasional snowfall. January is the coldest month in Lhasa, and the low oxygen levels might be challenging for visitors who are not used to high altitudes. However, the abundant daylight provides warmth during the day.

January is a low season for tourism in Lhasa, resulting in fewer visitors and lower prices for accommodation and transportation, making it a cost-effective time to visit. The tranquil atmosphere and unique pilgrimage culture in Lhasa during this period offer a great opportunity to experience local customs and traditions.

February: is February a Good Time to Visit?

In February, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from -8°C to 8°C, with a monthly precipitation of 0.8mm, predominantly cloudy with some sunny days. For travelers who enjoy winter activities, February is an appealing time to visit Lhasa. The daytime temperatures are relatively mild, and the frozen lakes offer beautiful scenes for photography enthusiasts. Additionally, February often coincides with the Tibetan New Year, providing a rich cultural experience and a festive atmosphere.

February is also part of the low season for tourism in Lhasa, offering a quieter and more comfortable travel experience. During this time, there may be special discounts or promotions for various activities and attractions, making it a cost-effective month to visit.

March: is March a Good Time to Visit?

In March, Lhasa's average temperatures range from -3°C to 12°C, with a monthly precipitation of 12.77mm, predominantly cloudy with some sunny days and occasional rain or snow. As Lhasa transitions into spring, the climate becomes more pleasant, with warm sunlight that is not too intense. The air is particularly fresh, and the sky is a deep blue, offering unique views of the winter-to-spring landscape.

March is still part of the low season, providing a peaceful and scenic experience for visitors. However, as spring progresses, the number of tourists increases, which may lead to higher prices for attractions and accommodations. It's advisable to plan ahead and be mindful of the timing to avoid potential crowds and price hikes.

April: is April a Good Time to Visit?

In April, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from 0°C to 15°C, with a monthly precipitation of 8.37mm, mostly cloudy with some low rainfall. The temperature is comfortable, and the city blossoms into vibrant life, reflecting the onset of spring. The nearby city such as Nyingchi, known for its stunning peach blossoms, is a must-see during this time.

April marks the beginning of the regular tourist season in Lhasa. While travel costs may rise compared to the low season, they remain reasonable compared to the peak season. The beautiful spring scenery in Lhasa, with blooming flowers and lush landscapes, makes it a worthwhile time to visit, offering good value for money.

May: is May a Good Time to Visit?

In May, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from 3°C to 18°C, with a monthly precipitation of 84.77mm, featuring a mix of cloudy and rainy days. May marks the beginning of the rainy season, with increased rainfall, though daytime remains relatively dry. The comfortable temperatures and improved air quality make it an ideal time to visit, and the higher oxygen levels help alleviate altitude sickness. The city's lush green landscapes add to the scenic appeal, making it a prime travel period.

May ushers in the tourist peak season in Lhasa, starting with the May Day holiday. This period coincides with the peak of the climbing season, leading to increased costs for accommodation, transportation, and other services. However, the high season also brings enhanced tourism services and facilities, offering a more refined experience for visitors.

June: is June a Good Time to Visit?

In June, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from 8°C to 22°C, with a significant increase in monthly rainfall, reaching 197.57mm. Rainy days are common, with cloudy weather following closely behind. However, most rainfall occurs at night, allowing daytime activities to proceed largely unaffected. The climate remains warm and comfortable, making Lhasa an ideal summer destination for those seeking to escape the heat.

June is part of the peak tourist season in Lhasa, resulting in higher prices for hotels and increased visitor numbers. However, this time also offers some of the best opportunities to experience Lhasa's natural beauty. With July approaching, which is typically the busiest month for tourism, June provides a option for those looking to enjoy the city's sights with fewer crowds.

July: is July a Good Time to Visit?

In July, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from 9°C to 22°C, with substantial rainfall amounting to 277.93mm, and this month sees frequent rainy days. Despite being the warmest month, the temperatures remain comfortably cool, making Lhasa a natural summer retreat. The oxygen levels are relatively higher, making it suitable for a wide range of visitors. Additionally, July is a prime time for exploring Lhasa's scenic highland landscapes, as many major attractions are fully open.

However, July marks the peak of the tourist season in Lhasa, driven largely by summer holidays, resulting in maximum tourist influx. This surge in visitors leads to higher prices for accommodations and other services. For those planning to visit Lhasa during this time, it is advisable to research local costs in advance and book hotels and attraction tickets early to avoid potential disruptions to travel plans.

August: is August a Good Time to Visit?

In August, Lhasa's average temperatures range from 9°C to 22°C, with significant rainfall totaling around 242.93mm. Rainy days dominate the weather, complemented by cloudy periods. The climate in August mirrors that of July, making it an excellent time for travel due to the pleasant and cool conditions. This month is also notable for the celebrated Tibetan festival, the Shoton Festival, providing a unique opportunity to experience local culture and traditions.

August continues to be a peak tourist season in Lhasa, with high tourism costs. For those planning a trip, it may be better to visit towards the end of the month. As the summer holiday season winds down, the number of visitors decreases, potentially easing the travel experience and reducing costs.

September: is September a Good Time to Visit?

In September, Lhasa's average temperatures range from 6°C to 20°C, with a monthly rainfall of 63.1mm. The weather is primarily cloudy and sunny, with occasional rain. As the temperature drops and the rainy season ends, Lhasa experiences a cool and dry autumn. This season offers a more comfortable travel experience, avoiding the high temperatures and humidity of the summer.

September marks the beginning of a quieter period in Lhasa, with a decrease in tourist traffic. This reduction in visitors results in more accessible accommodations and transportation options, making it an excellent time for those who prefer a more tranquil experience. It's an ideal time for travelers who have a flexible budget and wish to avoid the crowds.

October: is October a Good Time to Visit?

In October, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from 1°C to 17°C, with an average rainfall of 15.4mm. The weather is mainly cloudy and sunny. The rainy season is completely over, and the air is dry and cool, with significant temperature differences between day and night. The skies are clear, and autumn leaves drift down. Climbing the mountains around Lhasa offers a view of golden landscapes, with red and golden leaves shining in the sunlight, providing a breathtaking sight.

The first week of October, during the National Day holiday, marks the last peak tourist season in Lhasa. Although there is a high volume of tourists and higher prices, the services are of high quality. If you plan your trip in advance, the experience can be quite pleasant. After the holiday, the number of tourists decreases significantly, making it a good time to visit for those looking to avoid the crowds.

November: is November a Good Time to Visit?

In November, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from -4°C to 12°C, with an average monthly rainfall of 1mm. The weather is mainly cloudy and sunny. The temperature drops significantly, with nighttime temperatures often falling below freezing, so warm clothing is essential. The air is dry, and oxygen levels are low, making the environment relatively harsh. It's advisable to have a health check-up and prepare appropriate protective measures before traveling to Lhasa during this time.

November marks the beginning of the off-season for tourism in Lhasa, with fewer tourists and lower costs. However, there may be road closures due to weather conditions, so it's important to check road conditions in advance. Self-driving is recommended for more flexible itinerary adjustments.

December: is December a Good Time to Visit?

In December, Lhasa experiences average temperatures ranging from -8°C to 8°C, with minimal rainfall of 0.3mm and mostly sunny weather, occasionally accompanied by snow. The winter weather in Lhasa is cold and dry, but ample sunshine during the day provides warmth, making daytime activities more comfortable. December is also a pilgrimage season, filling the city with a rich religious atmosphere, making it an ideal time for travelers interested in experiencing the cultural and spiritual aspects of Lhasa.

December is a low season for tourism in Lhasa, allowing for a more relaxed exploration of the city and its attractions. Travel is convenient and more affordable, with the possibility of free entry to certain sites, making it an attractive option for travelers with a lower budget looking for a unique experience.

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